If you’ve ever worked in a manufacturing plant, you’ve no doubt come to appreciate the many safety signs that direct, advise and warn you while navigating the workplace. Plant safety signage provides the visual communication needed for safety and direction.
While safety signage is often the highest priority, sometimes other required signage can go missed and unordered.
Taking proactive steps in addressing a missed signage opportunity, in a best-case scenario, can prevent an accident.
With that in mind, below are the most typical types of manufacturing plant signs:
Exit / Evacuation signs
First Aid, Eye Wash, AED Station Signs
High Noise Level Warnings
Equipment signs & decals
Flammable / Combustible Product Signs
No Smoking / Smoking Area Signs
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)Signs
Electrical Hazard Signs
Confined Spaces Signs
Slips, Trips and Fall hazard signs
Shadow Board Signage for tool storage (see picture above) -
This is a custom product mounted to the wall with hooks. The board is
designed with the outline of the tool(s) signifying where it should go when
not in use, with the intention of preventing the tools from going missing.
Wayfinding / Physical Distancing Floor Decals
ADA braille Washroom Signage
Regular plant walk-throughs can assess new or ongoing potential hazards to ensure the plant is up to date with the correct signage.
A quick browse of our website will provide a listing of standardized signage with typical sizes and materials.
Some signage requires customization and input from the purchaser regarding the sign’s unique details and setting - Feel free to email Travis@westernsafetysign.com with any questions regarding plant signage you may have, or to request a quote.