TDG Placard Signs 2
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations require that containers holding dangerous materials be marked to show the nature of the danger. Dangerous materials are defined as any material that presents a danger to life, property or the environment under normal conditions of transport.
TDG placard signs provide quick identification of the container contents, and hazard class, in the event of an emergency or an accidental release. It also informs transportation and loading dock workers about the materials they are handling. TDG placard signage identifies products transported by road, air, rail, and marine.
We manufacture all classes of TDG placard signs in many different materials to fit your application.
Filter by class
- Aluminum Placard Holder
- Blank UN Number
- Class 1 Explosives
- Class 2 Oxygen
- Class 2.1 Flammable Gas
- Class 2.2 Non-Flammable/Non-Toxic
- Class 2.3 Inhalation Hazard/Toxic Gas
- Class 3 Flammable Liquids
- Class 4.1 Flammable Solids
- Class 4.2 Spontaneous Combustible
- Class 4.3 Water-Reactive Substances
- Class 5.1 Oxidizing Substances
- Class 5.2 Flammable Peroxide
- Class 5.2 Organic Peroxide
- Class 6.1 Poisonous or Toxic
- Class 6.2 Infectious Substances
- Class 7 Radioactive Materials
- Class 8 Corrosive
- Class 9 Danger
- Class 9 Environmental Hazard
- Limited Quantity TDG